2019 Opening Day

2019 Opening Day

Welcome to Eastern Sierra Guiding Service. April 27th, the official season opener for trout fishing, will soon be upon us. For many, the trout opener is a time to spend with friends and family, fathers and sons. It’s a time to share great stories while getting away from the day to day routine. It marks […]

A Special Day

A Special Day

Our most recent trip with Chris was both fun and successful! In addition to being a skilled & knowledgeable guide, Chris is also very attentive to needs of his clients and makes sure everyone is getting in on the action! (He’ll even let you help set the anchor if you ask nicely! 😉 ) Looking […]

2018 North River Seahawk is Here

2018 North River Seahawk is Here

After several months of planning and building the most accomodating, safe, and guideworthy fishing boats in the area. The wait is finally over. Today, we picked up our custom built, 22 foot North River Seahawk. This boat is loaded with everything needed to offer the most comfortable and professional guided fishing experience ever. Highlights include: […]

Welcome to Our New Site

Welcome to Our New Site

Thanks for visiting our new website. At Eastern Sierra Guiding Service  we are excited to offer top quality guiding services for the Bridgeport, Twin Lakes, and Mono County area. Guided services include Trout Fishing, local X-12 and A-20 mule deer hunting, Elk Hunting. We also offer duck hunters exclusive memberships to our Park Ranch Duck […]

Guided Fishing Trips

Guided Fishing Trips

Welcome to Eastern Sierra Guiding Service. We offer guided fishing trips for the Bridgeport Valley and surrounding Mono County areas. Treat yourself to the trip of a lifetime while fishing on one of the lakes in the area with the beautiful Eastern Sierra mountains surrounding you. Most of all we specialize in Trout fishing on Bridgeport […]

Park Ranch Duck Club

Park Ranch Duck Club

Welcome to Park Ranch Duck Club. Our exclusive 10,000 acre club is located in both Nevada and California. The duck club is primarily ranch land with some flooded fields, ditches and rivers flowing through the area. We have a large private lake on the Topaz Nevada property which holds hundreds of birds daily. Our club usually […]